Contacts - Request Information - Antennas kit Professional antennas in an Assembly Kit

Protel 37 years - 2025
Professional antennas
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Contacts - Request Information

Company Profile Contact us

Via Magellano 3 A/B6 - 20090 Cesano Boscone (MI) - Italy
Phone:  +39.02.4860.0265 r.a.  
Fax:  +39.02.4860.0871
P.I. 09497700154 - REA 1296350


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You have the right to have them updated, supplemented, corrected or canceled, request their block and oppose their processing through specific communication by mail addressed to the same Company

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Image Protel
PROTEL Antennas via Magellano 3 A/B -6
Tel +39.02.48600265 Fax +39.02.48600871
P.I. 09497700154 - REA 1296350
Copyright Protel 1988-2025
All right riserved
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